Sunday, February 27, 2005


i just love the Babe movies. not the baseball player. the pig.
Babe and Babe, Pig in the City. they are both so full of wonderful life lessons
and gentle dramas.
i watched both today and boy did i cry. don't know why... pig in the city drew lots more
tears because of the dog/pig chase scene and the "front paw twitching almost dead rear-wheeled dog named flealick" scene. movies like these mess with my head. in the sense that animals are intelligent like humans....which they are not. otherwise, they'd speak to us and demand money for their kind services.

when i look deeply into the eyes of one of my beloved yet crazy dogs, i sense an intelligence that we humans don't use. i suppose that's a good thing, though my dogs give off a lot more love unconditionally than most humans i have encountered.

besides, the farm in the Babe movies is a place i'd like to have. animals included. maybe not so many...but the location is so wholesome looking, and wholesomeness is something that i haven't had a lot of. i crave it, does that sound odd? i miss being nurtured. perhaps being in a spot that feels so warm will invoke some internal nurturing. whatever.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

more of this nothingness

my thoughts are such little pieces of this world. they are so small and insignificant, why do i bother having them at all, much less write them here. it's therapeutic? it's a release? eh.
this is all such a joke anyways. i'm a happy person, thriving in all environments except for my own home. rats.
i'll sleep this drama away for tonight........................

why do i keep coming here

why do i keep coming to write.
i feel the need to be back in a studio where i can play at the pottery wheel and get my hands into something. i'm a pretty touchy tactile kinesthetic sensory person and those needs are going unmet, all my fault of course.....rolling eyes hard.
can't wait to take the top off of my jeep.
i wish my face was happier.

saturday morning

so i woke up thinking of things i could put in the interests section of my profile, and found that indeed the field has limitations. i went over their limit. so i better put them here so i don't feel like i typed all of that for nothing. some of my interests beyond what is under the profile section are as follows: yoga, mountains, challenges, sunsets, colors, angst management, lipstick, sensory things, astronomy, horseback riding, animals and how they communicate, cooking, indian food, extremes, hiking, analyzing things, ayurveda, massage, holistic stuff, things that smell good, developing new interests, penguins, zebras, pandas, and other things.
sometimes i think i like too much and feel like i'm the ADD poster child. but this list is far from complete.
deepest fears: failure, hurting anyone in any way.
major wishes: starting my center for Autism. a great relationship. to be nicer to myself.


Friday, February 25, 2005

who knows if i'll keep this

So lots of crappy things have been going on.
Lots of wonderfully amazing things as well.
Sometimes I'm told how wonderful I am.
Other times, I'm told that I need to heal my soul.
Well, which is it? How can I satisfy others when it's just about their perceptions?
Any ideas?