Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday's Feast

it's been a while since i've done one of these, i like them and want to remember to do more...well, on friday's anyways....
Friday's Feast

When was the last time you visited a hospital?
when i interviewed at Womack Army Medical Center and got a job. But didn't take it. Well, I took it but then gave it back.

On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?

Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.) i got carried away, i love this.
feet -Find elation everyday, twice!

toes -Truth owns eternal serendipity.
legs -Love each gentleman separately. (or guy if you want the /g/ sound right)
tummy -Ten underwater monsters made yogurt.
breasts -Before removing eleven anteaters, spray their snouts.
arms- Asking reveals mistakes seen.
hands- How are northerners down south?
fingers- Finally, I now get empathy regarding sex.
neck -Now each child knows.
face -Fancy argyle clergy erasers.....(for the clergy mistakes.....hee hee)
eyes- Ethan's young eyes see.
nose- Never obligate someone else.
tongue- Tempers obliterate nice gestures unless eradicated.
hair -Horses are interesting rides.

Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?
Today i think i'd like a dinner and massage club. Rubs & grub.

What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?
carpet is a light sage-y green, bathrooms are white ceramic tile, kitchen is beech laminate.

Resting tonight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

what book i am

i saw this on my friend's blog. liked it. haven't read this book. not sure what emotional fortitude is. busy lately. xoxo.

You're Anne of Green Gables!

by L.M. Montgomery

Bright, chipper, vivid, but with the emotional fortitude of cottage
cheese, you make quite an impression on everyone you meet. You're impulsive, rash,
honest, and probably don't have a great relationship with your parents. People hurt
your feelings constantly, but your brazen honestly doesn't exactly treat others with
kid gloves. Ultimately, though, you win the hearts and minds of everyone that matters.
You spell your name with an E and you want everyone to know about it.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Sweet Day

What a sweet day. Got to watch my friend's daughter, and she is so cool! I made "name that pancake" and set up the little table in the kitchen. We played with scissors and glue and crayons most of the day. She cut and colored with Ethan, I reorgainzed many of my kitchen cabinets and drawers. Helps me find sense and order in this world sometimes. I am so tired, muscles crying. I got some of those thermal sticker patch things and i have one across my shoulders. It feels good and until I thought about it, my shoulders felt better than they have in weeks. Massage time, (i know i keep saying that, grrr.) Asheville is callin so softly.........

No beagles at this shop we went to, they were all sold out. Had a border collie and a golden retriever. Nice pups, no snuggles though. I pet the rabbits, drooled and creeped out over a python, and held hands with a lemur. Those little guys are sweet, i'd love to have one someday. Ethan held a baby hamster, I wanted it but they were still to be with the mama. Didn't have turtles that I saw, would have liked one or two.

Autism Awareness car magnets $5. Wanna buy one or three? Please? Email me!!! I have more bracelets too, if you're interested! Email me!!!

Took my dog for a walk, beautiful day, started pouring! What luck as I hid for a moment under a tree, crouched down to look at stuff, and found this great caterpilllar. I hope she likes the little habitat I made for her. She was on the ground in a very vulnerable spot, and I know there could have been a reason for that, but I had to show Ethan. He and I love that stuff. More tomorrow. My eyes are closing and my typing is getting really bad, the delete key now has a dent in it.... hee hee. Peace and love......

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Almost the weekend

Man, it's been a week. Not complaining, just feels like i've been shaken, and not pleasantly. I just finished making another round of pretty bracelets for the Leadership Retreat at Camp Royall in Pittsboro tomorrow night. I won't be attending Saturday's festivities as I will be babysitting my friend's precious angel.

The body is tired, feeling rather in need of a hot jacuzzi, a glass of something tasty, and nice music.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


The woes of scheduling. Not my favorite activity. My school has 'protected blocks' of reading time in the morning, so it's not generally a good time to pull kids out for services. No problem, I have offered inclusion services to 'support the general curriculum' which is essentially the foundation of my service model. It's a slow sale for some teachers, but the ones that have welcomed me are going to be happiest. Their kiddos will be in their least restrictive environment and make more gains since life pretty much happens in the classroom. I also spend time where kids are less focused, like the lunchroom or the hallway when they are in the bathroom line. I can't walk 10 feet down a hall past kids and not get a few hugs. I love it. Makes me happy that even the kids who aren't officially my students want to be!

If I don't get a massage soon, I fear I will break. Even sleeping on my lovely mattress, I wake up all tense and stuff. I must consciously tell my muscles to relax. I got a nice little email from a place I once visited in Asheville, and I think it's callin me back. Oh yes, it is.
I'd love to do a juice fast and partake in some yoga and decompression. I need a teacher or someone to share this path with. Quite seriously. I need some lovin.

Listening to groovy jazz right now on the cable music channel, and the man was singing, "listen to your heart and what it's sayin." What's your heart saying?
Mine is saying, let me love you as you are. Some folks don't let themselves or want to be loved. My heart whispers, i love the you that cannot be seen.

And my body sneaks in the comment, please get under the covers and relax....envision the desired result.

Peace and love!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Worthy of a separate blog

I found a property i am interested in, blogging the pictures HERE!!!

It's been a day. Woke up glad to be here, excited about seeing kids and being
the fun teacher at school. Roughish weekend all around.
Coldplay was ok, not impressed. Lead singer had a cold, poor guy. The audience was talked into singing Happy Birthday to a guy in the band, i thought that was very sweet. They did a good tribute to Johnny Cash, that was a good moment, Ring of Fire....
Clocks was good, that's when we left. No problem with traffic. There were maybe 3 songs after that, so not much was missed. Anything to avoid that massive major traffic, I could hardly breathe in the traffic on the way in. It was backed up for at least an hour. Thank God my top was down.

School has been ok, scheduling sucks. I will be at a different elementary school on Mondays for about 8 weeks once this chicka has her baby. Another therapist will do another day. It's on the other side of town, so it will be an experience. New people, new faces. Cool.

I have an odd cold. I feel ok during the day, but the morning and night my nose is stuffed so bad and my ears feel like they are going to pop inside. Ow. Maybe it's because the Afrin wore off, i don't know. I shot that up at 6:30am, and it's a 12 hour shot, but i just now started feeling crappy.
Oh well, this tea is helping me and i will be asleep soon.


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

stuff we do

this is what we've been doing after school, after homework. isn't it great? today there was a beautiful orange butterfly, looked like THIS. She was amazing, and i went for the camera but she had to go. then she came back for a hello, i didn't get the picture, i didn't have the camera by then. i was so taken by the beauty and clarity of the spots, pure beauty greeted us as we came home today, ethan was so excited to see her, "A new butterfly mom, hurry!" The other day we had a blue and purple one visit. So many this year, more than I ever remember.

Peace and love!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

a little updating

so i updated the look a bit, added a link or four...

oh, i ordered some incredible socks. i am so going to be rushing home to see if i got the package....stripes and longsocks galore! least Norah is still singin to me................................

blessings to YOU!!!


i've been in a thankful mood lately. really paying attention to the things for which i am grateful.
the past few minutes i've been feeling thankful for my fingers. how nicely they ease my day. making it cake to wash my hair, fix my son breakfast, feel the beauty of the day while my top is down on my jeep. the fingers and palms have so many great nerve endings, the day does not feel the same on the feet or elbows or legs. different, but not the same. to me at least. feeling the keys beneath my fingers right now, it's nice to be able to type most words without looking at the keys. i am so glad i took keyboarding in high school, thanks mrs. koudounis!

while being thankful for hands and fingers, i'm led to the thought of touching someone. how i miss giving massages and running my fingers through the hair of another while driving....even if i don't give great massages, i still like to think that if anyone was on the receiving end of my touch they would feel love and energy.

i like to be still enough to feel my pulse through my fingertips, not while touching anything....


Monday, September 05, 2005


Today was nice, got some reading done, ate some good Indian food, Alu Gobi to be exact, my favorite...shopped a bit at Southern Season....bought some nice new java...lemon pesto, fresh mozzarella, olive oil crackers, rice crackers, and a pecan cluster. yum. it was soo good. chocolate will have to satisfy me for now....sigh.

looking forward to seeing Coldplay on tix for my b-day.

desperate for a massage. i need to pick up the damn phone...

this week will hopefully be calm and peaceful....i'm thinking of a better meditation.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

glad to be me

i like being me. through the bumps and bruises, i am glad to be who i am. looking forward to who i will be. that being said, i even like who i was. going through my spare room, reorganizing and stuff, i sought out my old photo albums. started at college, felt the ache of years gone by, friends out of touch, wondering if Dom and Holly are still around.....old sweethearts, missing the moments i couldn't wait to pass at the get where? here, i guess....but this grass is green too, just a different shade. i don't want to go back, but i'd like to smell the smells, taste the tastes, feel the people again. i miss Geneseo....sigh, deep breath, longer sigh........

it's nice to remember.


All right. This stems from the fact that I don't kiss. Instead I wish I had someone to kiss. Not like a peck goodnight, but a nice, long, "making out" kind of kissing that is simple and thirst provoking. So in my missing of kissing, I started to wonder who the first couple was to actually decide that they wanted to put their lips together and mush them around, put their tongues into each other's mouth, and enjoy it. This had to be in the time before toothpaste, toothbrushes, and the like. I agreed with a friend of mine when she said that people probably chewed mint leaves or something. Yes, i had the nerve to actually spout this out with another person, and I trust her implicitly. But why does good kissing make ya wanna do *other* things? I have not googled this or even done any research, I just think it's amazing that kissing is what it is, and that it is so nice. When done properly, anyways.
Missing kissing, that is what i am doing today, besides rearranging furniture and playing with Ethan.

A book i finished, "Soulmate" by Deepak Chopra, had a line in it that has really reminded me of how to be a nicer person. "Every soul wants to be seen." I have even said it at school when some teachers are miffed about a child's behavior. I got looked at funny, but the kid wanted to be considered, seen, heard, understood, and LOVED dammit. Why is that so hard for some people? Then I realized, they too want to be seen. So i took the time to see them, and the air changed. What power there is in looking beyond the body and attitude. I love it.

Without agenda, without a plan, I have a desire,
Keeping true to the truth, and......
then the phone rings.....

more soon....

Saturday, September 03, 2005

just fluff

This is a really neat spider I found outside, and according to my National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Southeastern States, it is a "Crab-Like Spiny Orb Weaver," which is really cool. No danger listed. It smiles! We relocated the Weaver to a location less likely to facilitate entrance into my house.

Ethan had a great first week at school. He has taught the kids to pick up bugs and be gentle with them, and not to be afraid. He is so cool.

Here he is waiting for his teacher with a few classmates, he's happy that they are interested in bugs like he is.

So I went shopping last Sunday at Crabtree Valley Mall.

I buy some nice jackets at the Gap, with a very nice gift card from my amazing friend here in Sanford.

I go to don one of these jackets on Monday, can't find them. Search the car, no bag. I left it at the mall. Called Ann Taylor, for sure that's where they were, that's the last dressing room I vistited. Nope, no bag. They even called me back in the late afternoon. Nice lady. Then I called Belk, not really thinking it would be there since I didn't go in a dressing room or buy anything. Sure enough, my bag was found, and my jackets were safe. Can you believe it? I never thought I'd get them back, someone was honest and I am so thankful. So my dear friend whom I simply adore happens to live near this mall, and he very kindly brought my jackets to me yesterday. Thanks a bunch! I owe you one! Well, two actually, since there were two jackets....but anyways. This dear friend of mine and I have been out of touch until recently, and I'm so glad to be reconnected.

Katrina. My blessings are being counted, I will never stop counting. Send healing thoughts, offer something, you know where to go for that.

I'm having trouble with my website. I am saving changes in the program but the changes are not being reflected in the publishing. I'm taking a break on that so I don't start getting upset with technology. But, GRRRRR! I WISH IT WOULD FLIPPING WORK THE WAY IT"S MEANT TO!!!!! ahhh, thanks for the vent space. much better.

more soon, so much to say today.