Monday, August 08, 2005


what a day. nothing major. credentials for a hospital are a pain, but for an Army hospital, wow. talk about major background. have i ever _____? fill in anything, they want to know. i must admit, that yes, once, when i was 6, stuck my tongue out at a superior. and no, i did not submit to any punishment. what does that make me? you got it. i have always had problems with authority. i do expect to be treated fairly, and sometimes my def and the defs of others are not aligned. then there is a little conflict, typically because the other party does not want to bend their way of thinking, but fully expects for me to bend mine. i'll bend a little if you will. then usually everybody ends up winning. and feeling really great if the bending is in the proper places....hee hee hee. \_____*_____/ (< is the gutter my brain is in, pretty wide gutter if i do say so myself.....)
peace and more later....

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