Wednesday, August 10, 2005

pain ouch man that hurts

i don't know exactly how i did it, but i did. i managed to pull a muscle in my rib area,left side. at least that's what i think it is. after i donated a bag of clothes this afternoon, i took a breath walking to my jeep and there was such a sharp pain. well, i've had that before, but it's still there. and it is bothering me greatly. i hope i feel better soon. i don't like pain.

and i let ethan (well, we both did it)play in a nice fountain in downtown sanford. i didn't have my camera this time, but will post a pic next time, it's such a nice little fountain to splash in!

got fingerprinted today for part of the background check for new job. they were nice but charged me five bucks. no prob, they did ethan's too! we had fun.

i got my driver license renewed today, and i noticed that there is no letter beside the 'race' part. eye and hair color were fine, but the little W did not appear after race like my previous license. should i go back and subject myself to that line, or do i chance anyone having a brain and the ability to deduce that yes, i am in fact caucasian......the picture is right there......hmmmm. anyways.

what else....i'm trying to find my motivation. being home more and not having a routine is not good for julee. or ethan. don't get me wrong, i love being at home more, but i do enjoy working and contributing to a team working for the good of others. i think i'm less moody when i'm working and on a schedule. kind of like a little kid. go figure.

peace and love......

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