Sunday, June 26, 2005


well, last night i took quizzes. that was fun. nothing like leaving somebody elses criteria tell about me. anyway....they all fit to some degree. i did like the kissing one. i think i've forgotten how to kiss, however. i think if i got in a situation, i'd giggle and perhaps excuse myself to take a pee or something...but i really don't know if i remember.
i just want to turn off the world for a bit and be with someone.

sunday morning. woke up later than's after 8. i was laying in bed trying to conjure up a dream/daydream and send thoughts to someone.
will likely work today, doing finalizing and streamlining of my processes.....outlining the steps from referral to consultation, then evaluation to therapy.

drinking coffee from my nice Geneseo mug,
deciding to not use artificial sweeteners anymore, along with commercial cleaning products. i feel this strong desire to detox again, so once the splenda and clorox run out, i'll be back to sugar/stevia and vinegar/bakingsoda.
maybe that's what i'll do today, use up all the poison and go to the recycling center.

i do recycle. i do feel good about that. that's one thing i picked up in college. maybe before college, but it really 'learned into me' in those years.

more later, feeling chatty today.
peace and love!

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