Saturday, June 04, 2005


on our way to chapel hill, a semi without his trailer was rude to me. coming off his exit at about 88 mph then trying to pass me on the left as the guy in front of me decides to turn right all of a sudden, so while i'm sneaking back into my lane with brakes on, the semi slows down so i can't get behind him. so i gesture accordingly. i have done this 3 other times in my life and feel so low because of it, but i think he was a criminal. no licence tag, obvious pestering of me as a driver, and major speeding. so he turns off as i flash a grin, and all of a sudden there are about 8 cars behind me wanting to go very fast. i'm thinking i'm in a movie or part of a joke by now. so someone is on my left about in my blind spot. i speed up to avoid a problem because the lane is about to end on the left and i don't feel like getting smooshed. ok, fine and dandy, they can now pass, so i pull off and temper my speed so they can pass easily. no traffic for miles. well, nobody decides to pass, so i roll my window down and wave them by. all of this while they are about fogging up my back window they are so close. then they all pass, and ethan even comments about that danger. i just hold his hand and tell him that jeeps are not race cars, and that some people might be in a hurry to get to unc hospitals or something like that. he had his other comments about how they should slow down because they might hurt his mom or him. awww. well, our smiles re-emerged as we saw that pack of speeders stuck behind a speedlimit obeying nerd ahead. so we talked about the dangers of following too closely and braking time and such. we didn't make it to the planetarium. i asked him what plan b was. he said, the mall, pizza, and toy store. i said, sure thing babe. we had a great day. he wanted to go to the pet store first, so we went. he asks the clerk all sorts of questions about the rabbits we saw last time and the birds. my son is very sweet, and wants to engage people in conversation. we are learning the 'whens' and 'when nots' of talking to strangers. he's so cute. there is more, but i'll end it there. i don't like leaving chapel hill...almost wish i lived there. hmmm. there's a thought!!!

1 comment:

Lora said...

I'm glad no harm came of his reckless driving.

Sorry your planetarium plans were ruined, but looks like you had a good time any way. Cute picture.