Wednesday, March 16, 2005

what would i have done?

if i had a blog in college. what would i have done? written less in my beautiful paper journals?
what if the coffee shop had wireless internet? ooh some of our topics of conversation would have had answers, if google had been there. kinda takes the romanticism of wonder away, though. i do enjoy my wonderings.
perhaps a few years ago would have been a good time to blog, i had much more to say about more things back then, since i was less educated in life and experience. seems the older i get and the more i experience, the less commentary i have. suppose that's good. things are what they are.
i do really want to talk a lot when i meet new people. especially if there are a lot of things in common. or obsure similarities....i am open when i feel like someone is interested. and they don't know me at all. then i feel very free. sometimes. other times a mood just strikes me and i'm talking way too much about my thoughts, which may or may not be consistent with anything.


Lora said...

No, we all would have just been huddle around somebody's laptop in the back googling for more and more obsurd items together. Then Dom would have come up and shook his finger at us.
Finding the answers usually just creates more questions, but by all means keep asking them.

Bob said...

We go through a stage where we think we have little to say. But passing out of that, we reach the stage where we still have nothing to say but we no longer care who hears it. I'm in that stage.