Friday, April 15, 2005

so many things

oh so many errands to run, things to do. about 20 people have ordered my bracelets and key chains so far. they are quite pretty, i must say, however, they are just beads from the craft store strung on a string and tied off. anyone can make it. but i am flattered nonetheless.
i get to wear jeans to school today. funny how such a simple attire change can encourage a simple attitude change. jeans make me happy because in this particular pair, i don't think i look as hippy. not the psychedelic hippy, no no no. i don't really mind that hippy look from time to time, and i do get those moods as well. what a fun brain i have sometimes, i woke up an hour early, went back to bed, woke up again from a dream about highschool. but a teacher from my school was there. anyways. off to ready my jeans wearing self for school.

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